IXPlugin - a Universal Plugin System

The IXPlugin system is a plugin implementation  allowing the creation of small applications, which can be compiled and instantiated as native applications, or interpreted from a definition file. The IXPlugin user interface definition can be converted to other notations, specifically HTML, and loaded by an application such as a web browser.

IXPlugin - a Universal Plugin System

The IXPlugin system was created using the XML notation, and includes similarities to HTML. It also includes, a fragment based cache semantics (patent pending), a templatized or tagged URI mechanism for resource access and data retrievals (patent pending), a tag-based trigger for URI activation, and method or script triggers which supersedes the HTML ones.

Like HTML,
IXPlugin user interface definition files can be sent across the Internet and instantiated as, plugins or applications, on the destination computer. Contrary to HTML, they can also be compiled into native execution code before transfer, across the Internet. A central server can choose to pre-compile and cache plugins and applications, before sending them to a thin-client computer.

The IXPlugin user interface definition file can be mapped to any Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolkit, such as C++ GUI tool kits, Java or Java script  based tool kits,  Adobe Flash based tool kits, or HTML5 as a GUI notation.

Fragment cache semantics allow certain pieces of data to be retrieved once; and only updated when they have been modified. Such fragments can, for example, be Cascading Style Sheet  fragments, or frame-like fragments for data representation and display.

The templatized or tagged URI mechanism provides a generic way of accessing resources, and retrieving data from said resources, in the format specified in the URI. The returned data is seen as collections, which are represented as simple lists of values, lists of key/value pairs, or lists of other collections, etc..

The method/script triggers which activate, either built-in library method instantiations, or embedded script fragments such as, T-Script or Ecma/Java-script, include triggers such as, conditional, URL, state and timer triggers (patent pending); as well as the HTML triggers.

The combination of fragment cache semantics, tagged URI, and method triggers give a given plugin or application, the ability to modify their document view. The
document view is the widget view, when the plugin is instantiated as a widget; and, when instantiated as an HTML page, it is then seen as the HTML page view.

An adjunct to this patent is the use of HTML as a user interface notation, which incorporates all the features of IXPlugin. This allows IXPlugin based applications and plugins to be loaded directly from HTML files;  as well as, the conversion of IXPlugin user interface files to HTML.

An second adjunct to this patent is the mapping of IXPlugin user interface definition files to HTML, which allow IXPlugin enhanced or not, HTML page to be directly displayed on your desktop, and bypass a client application or plugin such as web browser.

A third adjunct to this patent is the use of tagged fragments within a IXPlugin user interface definition file, which allow repetitive insertions of widgets definitions or HTML fragments, without the need for programmatic constructs. Said widgets or HTML fragments can additionally include their own tagged fragments. Tagged fragments are instantiated in a recursive manner.

Patent Pending
